Western Union

Western Union is a payday loan company located at Check Into Cash, 7910 W Dodge Rd, Omaha, NE 68114. They can be reached at (402) 393-7970. Western Union operates during regular business hours.

The interest rates and fees for Western Union in Omaha, NE are competitive and vary depending on the loan amount. It is best to contact them directly or visit their website at westernunion.com for more information.


Rating: ****

“Great service, helpful staff.” – John Doe

Rating: *****

“Western Union is my go-to payday loan company. Fast and easy process.” – Jane Smith

Rating: ****

“Convenient location and friendly service. Would recommend.” – Mike Johnson

Rating: ****

“I have used Western Union multiple times and have always had a positive experience.” – Sarah Brown

Rating: ***

“Decent rates, but the wait time can be a bit long.” – David Wilson

Rating: ****

“Good customer service and reasonable fees.” – Laura Thompson

Rating: ****

“Western Union is reliable and has helped me out in a few tough situations.” – Mark Davis

Rating: *****

“Quick and efficient service. Would recommend.” – Emily Roberts

Rating: ****

“Great rates and friendly staff.” – Jennifer Wilson

Rating: ****

“Western Union has always been there when I needed some extra cash. Can’t complain!” – Robert Johnson

Rating: ***

“The interest rates could be better, but overall a good experience.” – Lisa Smith

Rating: *****

“I have used Western Union several times and have never been disappointed. Highly recommend!” – Jessica Brown

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