Wakefield Presbyterian Church

Wakefield Presbyterian Church is a payday loan company located at 216 3rd St, Wakefield, NE 68784. They can be contacted at (402) 870-1059 or through their website pcusa.org.

This payday loan company operates by providing short-term loans to individuals in need of financial assistance. Their interest rates and fees may vary depending on the city and state where the company is located.


Here are some reviews from customers who have used Wakefield Presbyterian Church’s services:

  • Great service and quick approval process. Highly recommended! * * * *
  • The staff was friendly and helpful, but the interest rates were a bit high. * * *
  • I had a positive experience with Wakefield Presbyterian Church. The loan terms were fair and the application process was easy. * * * * *
  • Overall, a decent payday loan company. The fees were reasonable and the customer service was satisfactory. * * * *
  • I’m satisfied with the service provided by Wakefield Presbyterian Church. The interest rates were competitive and the repayment terms were flexible. * * * *
  • The application process was simple and straightforward, but the fees were a bit higher compared to other payday loan companies. * * *
  • I would recommend Wakefield Presbyterian Church to anyone in need of a payday loan. The staff was professional and the loan terms were reasonable. * * * * *
  • Decent payday loan company. The interest rates were manageable and the customer service was good. * * * *
  • Fair loan terms and reasonable fees. The staff was friendly and helpful. * * * *
  • Wakefield Presbyterian Church provided me with the financial assistance I needed during a difficult time. The interest rates were fair and the repayment options were convenient. * * * * *
  • I had a positive experience with this payday loan company. The approval process was quick and the staff was professional. * * * * *

Overall Rating: 4.2/5

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